Random Thoughts

Saturday, January 17, 2009

2009 Goals

I hate making resolutions. It's my feeling that when you make flippant New Year's Resolutions they rarely ever come to fruition. So, I make a list of goals. I rarely ever achieve all of them, but at least I accomplish some of them. My list of things to do includes:

Class 1 Priority:
Pay Down Debt
Get Extra Cash
Write More
Increase Technology Skills
Save For House (Be ready to do so by 2010)
Learn Spanish
Learn and Make New Recipes
Go to Chicago with Mom
Do Family Tree Book

Class 2 Priority:
Decrease Waist Size
Volunteer Somewhere
Take an Arts Class

Class 3 Priority:
Go To Costa Rica
Go to Las Vegas
Go to Rome
Dance Lessons
Knit a Scarf

I'm trying to rank them so that I know what is most important. As I was looking at the list I was trying to figure out how I can kill two or three birds with one stone. For instance, I want to learn Spanish, volunteer somewhere, and go to Costa Rica again. If I volunteer in Costa Rica I can learn more Spanish. I need to think more on this. Obviously, the most important goals are money related. I need to figure out how to pay down debt quicker than what I currently can. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I just found your blog. I love traveling too. You have so many interests just like me that's why our goals are all over :) BTW, I learning to knit scarf too. (one of my 2009 art goal)