Random Thoughts

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Plane Tickets

In a little over two weeks I will be buying my next plane ticket to Costa Rica. I have been watching the ticket prices for the past six months - ever since I got back from my last trip. Right now the best ticket price I can find is $1,121. Earlier this week the cost for the same flight was $1,011. Honestly, that's not a bad price. Last year I spent just under $1,000 for the same ticket. I just hope that two weeks from now the price will have either dropped or stayed the same.

In recent weeks I have been watching this flight closely. Delta has grounded some of its planes along with other airlines. Oil futures spiked above $140 today. Every time the price of oil goes up I wonder about what kind of impact it is going to have on my ticket price. If this trip were just a vacation I probably would not buy the ticket. But, this trip is about family. My boyfriend gets the opportunity to see his family once a year - we're not going to miss that opportunity because of the cost of oil - not yet anyway.

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